What are the different kinds of lawyer?

People are often confused regarding what type of lawyer they need to hire.  As we all know the law is complex and for every case there are specialized lawyers.

Below is the list of 5 different kinds of cases  that provides specific legal service across each different area of law and why it is necessary?

Divorce Lawyer 

Divorces are not normally amicable and uncontested, as one or both parties tend to feel injured and make emotional decisions rather than rational ones. Hiring a divorce attorney can help alleviate a lot of stress, turmoil, and confusion during the divorce process. Divorce lawyers practice civil law, which includes family law, meaning divorces are their niche practice.

Personal Injury 

If you've suffered a personal injury, then you should contact a specialist personal injury lawyer as soon as you can, but just how do you choose the personal injury attorney that's right for you? Our three-point guide has the answers.

Accident Lawyer 

If your life has been turned upside down by an accident that you were not to blame for, you may be able to claim compensation for your pain and suffering to cover any medical costs and several other things. To maximize the amount you receive, there are some steps you should follow after being the victim of an accident that was not your fault.

Businessman showing sign not my fault failed. Business concept

Workplace Accidents

Workplace accidents are commonplace across just about every industry. According to the National Safety Council, a worker is injured on the job every seven seconds. That amounts to a whopping 4.6 million workplace accidents per year. However, just because it’s a common occurrence doesn’t mean you have to accept the consequences.

Bitten by dog

A dog usually bites in a situation that is stressful for them, such as if they feel threatened, feel they need to protect their owner or their puppies, or feel scared. Everyone relates to some breeds being more likely to bite than others, and surprisingly, research shows that the breed of dog most likely to bite is a chihuahua.